The JudyBats Guitar Archive version of "The Cachet of Misery" -- Version 0.8 May 1999 Transcribed by Mason Hall For private use only. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CAPO II Chords: E A D G B E ----------- A X 0 2 2 2 0 A/E 0 X 2 2 2 0 A/F# 2 X 2 2 2 0 A/G 3 X 2 2 2 0 Bm X 2 4 4 3 2 D X X 0 2 3 2 Dsus X X 0 2 3 3 Em 0 2 2 0 0 0 G 3 2 0 0 3 3 Verses: D - Dsus The cachet of misery You're the bellows, you're the fire, blue and smoldering Offer up that dark phoenix replete with metaphor They'll pluck that bird, they'll cook it up, you're sorrow's tasty whore Em Bm Are you miserable? G A Are you demons tangible? Em Can we pet them and measure their wings? Bm A Can we tie them down and question their sincerity? The cachet of misery Could you cop that pained expression once again for camera three? Can you tortured, can you twisted? Bandages instead of cellophane Wrap it up and get it out, won't the critics rave about this pain Em Bm And can you cry on cue? G A Do you look good in blue? Em Will the people purge to this dirge? Bm A A/G A/F# A/E A A/G A/F# A/E Will it dilate the public eye, this persecuted melody? Bm - A - G - D Bm - A - G - D Bm - A - G - D Bm - A - G - G D - Dsus x4 The cachet of misery All flair and dying flame in the arena of luxury Em Bm "This party is a scene" G A He says, "Hey, what did it mean Em Bm A A/G A/F# When you smiled just now and said mediocrity loves company A/E A A/G A/F# A/E A A/G A/F# A/E Misery, life's mediocrity, loves company?" D - G - D -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The JudyBats Guitar Archive ,q8bmd8p. ,,, iMWM()WMi#######XXX} Corrections and comments to `Y8P"Y8P' ```