The JudyBats Guitar Archive version of "Geography" -- Version 0.8 Month 1999 Transcribed by Mason Hall & Joe W Aultman For private use only. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chords: E A D G B E ----------- A X 0 2 2 2 0 Bm X 2 4 4 3 2 D X X 0 2 3 2 E 0 2 2 1 0 0 G 3 2 0 0 3 3 Verse: ------ D A G - gazing out the window of some big girder bird D A G - down on Mother Nature's face torn up twisted absurd D A G - I wondered what the chances were that you were down there looking up at D A G - me ah we're silly as geography Chorus: ------- Bm - D - Bm - G - silly as geography Bm - G D A - you and me we just can't get it right G D A - G D A - you're a function of my latitude let's end our little warring feud G D E - - - how I wish you would come home or I'll come there to you -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The JudyBats Guitar Archive ,q8bmd8p. ,,, iMWM()WMi#######XXX} Corrections and comments to `Y8P"Y8P' ```