The JudyBats Guitar Archive version of "Native Son" -- Version 0.x April 1999 Transcribed by Joe W Aultman For private use only. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Intro: ------ (E) - (C#m) (B) E---------------------------------- B---------------------------------- G---------------------------------- D--------2---2-2------------------- A------2---------4---4-4-2---0-2--- E--0-2---------------------------2- Verse: ------ E - C#m B E - C#m B native son what have you done E - C#m B E - C#m B where have you been who do you know where have you been who do you know Chorus: ------- C#m B C#m B nothing no one nowhere mainly devil may care C#m B C#m B nothing no one nowhere I'm still picking things from the air Bridge: ------- C#m A B - nothing no one nowhere C#m A B - nothing no one nowhere C#m A B - nothing no one nowhere C#m A - - nothing no one nowhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The JudyBats Guitar Archive ,q8bmd8p. ,,, iMWM()WMi#######XXX} Corrections and comments to `Y8P"Y8P' ```