The JudyBats Guitar Archive version of
"Our Story" -- Version 1.0 Sep 2024
Transcribed by Joe W Aultman
For private use only.

Start and build on E

E  C#m  E  D (2x)

E             -    C#m       G#m
  this is our story   it's a short one but it's a

F#m            -      B                        -
    hard harsh read between the lines a little aching need

E         -                  C#m   G#m
  we're a strange arrangement   no strings

       F#m         -      B               -
but the   music we make is serpentine and bittersweet

E       -             C#m                 G#m
  in my youth you know   I loved you like gangbusters

    F#m             -    B                -
and now I watch you fall twisting turning growing small

E          -              C#m  G#m
  you're a roomful of sorrow a spoonful of joy

F#m             -              B               -
    another infidelity another pain another golden glitter boy

A    -   G#m   -      C#m
IiiiiiiiiIiiii I want you
-                 B                     -
 I know it's crazy but I really want to leave you too

A    -   G#m   -      C#m
IiiiiiiiiIiiii I want you boy oh

-                B                -
boy you bring me joy and then you make me blue

Repeat intro chords after first chorus:
  E                 C#m    E         D
I love to love you,        I'm a fool

       E                      C#m      E          D
You're callous and you're cold,    and oh so cruel

Bridge/Solo/Break after second chorus:
A    B    A    B    A    B    A    B
A    B    A    B    A    B    A    B
E    -   C#m  G#m  F#m   -    B    -

The JudyBats Guitar Archive                           ,q8bmd8p.       ,,,                    iMWM()WMi#######XXX}
Comments to first name dot last name at gmail         `Y8P"Y8P'       ```