The JudyBats Guitar Archive version of "Woman in the Garden" -- Version 0.? June 1999 Transcribed by Joe W Aultman For private use only. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chords: E A D G B E ----------- C x 3 2 0 1 0 D x x 0 2 3 2 Em 0 2 2 0 0 0 F#m 2 4 4 2 2 2 G 3 2 0 0 0 1 Intro: ------ (Em) (G) (F#m) (D) (C) E ----12*-------------------------------12*--------------------- B ----------12*-----12*-----------12*------12*--7*----12*---12*- G -------12*--------------12*--------12*----------7*-----12*---- D ---------------------12*-------------------------------------- A -/7+---------7/10+---------10\9+------------5+---------------- E --------------------------------------------------8+---------- / - slide up \ - slide down + - let ring * - harmonic Verse: ------ Em - G - F#m - D C > D pruning shears in her lovely hand Em - G - F#m - D C > D gloves she got for Christmas time demands Em - G - F#m - D C > D time for trimming cutting back Em - G F#m - D C > D keeping a tight rein on the domesticated shrubbery Chorus: ------- C - D - C - D - the woman in the garden she's always been C - D - C - D - the lovely lady next door sweets for the children alms for the poor Em C - D Em C - D woman in the garden she's always been Em C - D Em C - D the lovely lady next door sweets for the children alms for the poor Bridge: ------- C - D - sweets for the children alms for the poor C - D - mace for the rapers wave for the neighbors C - D - C - D - she sure paints a pretty picture for everyone and everyone's concern -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The JudyBats Guitar Archive ,q8bmd8p. ,,, iMWM()WMi#######XXX} Corrections and comments to `Y8P"Y8P' ```